The Smart Kettle kettle from Sage has a capacity of 1.7 liters, is made of brushed stainless steel and keeps the water for your tea at the right temperature for up to 20 minutes. The five different temperature settings make this kettle suitable for different types of tea.
The Smart Kettle kettle from Sage has a capacity of 1.7 liters, is made of brushed stainless steel and keeps the water for your tea at the right temperature for up to 20 minutes. The kettle has 5 different temperature settings that are suitable for green, white and black tea, oolong and cafetière coffee. The Smart Kettle kettle has protection against boiling dry and switches itself off after a while. When cleaning the housing, use a damp cloth and, if necessary, a suitable quick descaler can be used.
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129,00 €Cena
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