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Nourish hair and skin with 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Argan Oil from The Ordinary . Rich in fatty acids, vitamins and carotene, this oil takes advantage of the composition of pure Moroccan argan seed oil and combines these ingredients to provide hydration and nourishment to the skin, hair, lips and nails.


The oil is enriched with Vitamin E and works effectively on the skin, treating dryness and providing necessary hydration. The skin is visibly healthy and dehydrated areas are relieved. The oil is also effective on the hair. The composition treats the hair by strengthening the fibers and restores dry and damaged hair while giving it shine.


The oil is released in its original form and offers maximum benefits, nourishes the skin and nails and gives visible results

The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Argan Oil 30 ml

9,00 €Cena
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